LYP Teen Camp 2024: Staff fine-tuning their classes, campers arriving, and the first all-camp Evening Reflection of the year!

In the first batch of pics below, the staff does “dry runs” of their classes to fine-tune them before the campers arrive and it all gets very real!

Here, the first wave of campers arrive and play some fun games, then the bus arrives with many of those who flew in to nearby airports.

The first Teen Camp Evening Reflection of 2024!

LYP Teen Camp 2024 will begin soon!

Staff has arrived, and after some “get to know you” games, we had a staff orientation to help us all get on the same page and be ready to help campers have the best camp ever. Campers arrive today, so come back for more photos!

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Hopefully, we’ll be posting camp photos on a daily basis, so check back frequently!

A Great, Short Video on the Supposed Whale Evolutionary Sequence

Some time ago, we did a Tomorrow’s World telecast on the problems with whale evolution. Why focus on whales? Because the supposed evolutionary sequence of whales is touted as one of the clearest and most supported by evidence. (Horses and, of course, humans are similarly touted. Pretty predictable touting. Or toutage, perhaps. Not really sure.) Yet, when you look at it closely, it falls short, which should cause one to wonder: If one of the best examples of evolution is actually a terrible example, then what sort of faith does such a theory deserve?

We bring it up because we just stumbled on a great “Long Story Short” video from the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture that makes most of the same points as we did in the telecast, just quicker and (to be honest) cuter. We’ve featured their videos before (like this one), and they are very well-made (and well-documented). Check out—it’s short! You’ll find it below, and then, below that, our own telecast on the same subject.

…and here’s our program, “Evolution: A Whale of a Tale,” making many of the same points.

Podcast 106: Why We Don’t Engage in Politics

Why don’t we get involved in politics? As the world around us falls apart, it can be increasingly tempting to follow the crowds into the voting booth. But it isn’t God’s way, and with thanks to a listener who asked us about this question, today we discuss why. Please join us!

P.S. Two things! (1) Teen Camp is gearing up! Just like we’ve done before in recent years, we’ll be posting pictures here on not long after it starts. Hopefully daily or close to it. So, keep checking in! (2) Mr. Gerald Weston has an excellent Living Church News article coming out on the same topic as today’s podcast, and we should have mentioned it! In fact, it’s already out online, and you can read it right now. The title is tongue-in-cheek: “‘It Is Your Patriotic Duty to Vote.'” (You have to look hard to see the quote marks in the quote marks…) Click through—it’s a quick read and crystal clear!

[Editor’s Note: The Apple Podcast has finally loaded. It is now added below with the others, as usual.]

Podcast 105: Wisdom of the Ages: Honoring Our Elderly

In this episode, we discuss the timeless wisdom and plain old good advice that Leviticus 19:32 offers when it tells us to rise before the grayheaded. Obeying the command to honor our elderly brings a lot of benefits, not just to them but to us. Listen in and learn why!

Podcast 104: From Walt to Woke: Disney’s Changing Values

You might wonder if it’s your imagination, but it’s not: Disney, broadly considered the premier producer of children’s entertainment and media, is actively pressing queer theory and gender ideology on their viewers. Today, we talk about Disney’s not-that-secret agenda and share some biblical thoughts about the implications for our times and the choices we should make about the media we consume.