Entries by Wallace Smith

Podcast 115: You Become Your Entertainment

The old saying “You are what you eat” applies to more than physical food. Your entertainment feeds your mind and heart and has a powerful and unavoidable impact on who you will become. So, choose well! (In a post more than two years ago, Mr. Mark Sandor wrote about a related topic. If you haven’t […]

Podcast 114: Be Not Easily Offended

It’s easy to get offended—frankly, it’s become the default status of our culture. However, the ability to avoid being offended is a vital skill for developing real, Christ-honoring relationships of substance, and the Bible has guidance, perspective, and advice for young people seeking to develop that skill. It takes effort and practice, but it’s worth […]

The Beautiful Things and Philippians 4:8

The first time I heard Philippians 4:8 focused on in a sermon—many, many years ago now—I felt a twinge of discomfort, to be honest about it. Here is the passage (though it would be good to look it up in your own Bible, too): Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever […]