Entries by Wallace Smith

Podcast 115: You Become Your Entertainment

The old saying “You are what you eat” applies to more than physical food. Your entertainment feeds your mind and heart and has a powerful and unavoidable impact on who you will become. So, choose well! (In a post more than two years ago, Mr. Mark Sandor wrote about a related topic. If you haven’t […]

Podcast 114: Be Not Easily Offended

It’s easy to get offended—frankly, it’s become the default status of our culture. However, the ability to avoid being offended is a vital skill for developing real, Christ-honoring relationships of substance, and the Bible has guidance, perspective, and advice for young people seeking to develop that skill. It takes effort and practice, but it’s worth […]

The Beautiful Things and Philippians 4:8

The first time I heard Philippians 4:8 focused on in a sermon—many, many years ago now—I felt a twinge of discomfort, to be honest about it. Here is the passage (though it would be good to look it up in your own Bible, too): Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever […]

Podcast 112: Why Does God Use Prophecy?

Prophecy is weird! But it really is important, and God uses it for good reason. Join us today as we talk about why God uses prophecy, some reasons why He doesn’t, why you don’t need to be intimidated by it, and how to start understanding it yourself. In today’s podcast, we refer to a telecast […]