Entries by Wallace Smith

Podcast 87: Soulmate or Family-First?

A biblical view of marriage recently appeared in, of all places, the Wall Street Journal! What a nice surprise! This week, we examine the soulmate myth and explain the better alternative for thinking about marriage. [The article we talk about so much can be found here—again, in the Wall Street Journal, not the New York […]

Podcast 86: Choosing Your Friends Wisely

Your friends will have a powerful impact and influence on you. On this week’s podcast, we discuss some biblical passages that can help us to choose our friends wisely. In the episode, we briefly mention an article that talks about the people you will inevitably meet if you are on social media. If you’d like […]

Podcast 84: A Visit with Mr. Stuart Wachowicz!

On today’s podcast, we get to know Mr. Stuart Wachowicz, Regional Director of the Living Church of God in Canada, while he is visiting in Charlotte this week. We grill him a bit on the state of education today and explore steps young people can take to secure their own success amid declining educational standards. […]