Posts that contain content related to living a Christian life.

Tag Archive for: Christian Living

Podcast 133: Help with God’s Work—TODAY!

It’s easy to think of Jesus Christ’s commission to do the Work of God and reach the world with the truth as something other people do. But it isn’t! It’s something you and I—and everyone in God’s Church—play a role in. So today, we discuss seven very real ways you can help with God’s Work—ways you can begin doing today!

On the podcast today, we mentioned three LCN articles and an old podcast. For those interested, you can find them at the links below:

Podcast 132: Did Jesus Rise?

If you did not believe that the Bible was the inspired word of God, would you still have cause to believe in Jesus’ resurrection? It was a real question for the Gentiles to whom Paul preached, who were unfamiliar with the Bible, and it’s a real question for many today. But if we are open to the evidence, it points to one conclusion above all others. Join us on the podcast today as we look at that evidence and ask the question, Did Jesus rise?

Podcast 130: Get to Know Your Parents

In the earliest and most formative years of our lives, our parents are our closest neighbors. Yet, if we’re not careful, the time will slip away and we will find we missed out on opportunities to really know them. Invest in that relationship early: Make an effort to get to know your parents.

In today’s podcast, we refer to a commentary written by Thomas White titled “A Little Sonder” about the sense you get that the people around you have full, rich, real lives like the one you experience moment to moment. Click here to read it.

Podcast 128: Getting and Excelling at a Job—with Mr. Mike DeSimone!

Today, we chat with Mr. Mike DeSimone and tap into his practical and biblical wisdom on the matter of finding, landing, and excelling at a job.

P.S. For some reason, Spotify is taking some time to upload the podcast, so we are posting this on the website without the Spotify embed. If you follow us on Spotify, you should see us come up there anyway when it arrives. [Update: It’s up now!]

Also, you can still sign up to be considered for our feedback team! Just CLICK HERE. We appreciate all those who have signed up so far!

Podcast 127: Answering Christmas Queries

This time of year, we often get queried by friends and families alike about Christmas. How do you answer such questions? Let’s talk about it!

In this week’s episode, we mention two resources. Click here to check them out:

Also in this week’s episode, we mention a short form you can fill out to be considered for our feedback team as we work to reach more younger people in the world with the truth. You can find that form right here. Thanks for volunteering!

Podcast 126: Grow a Heart for Service!

Serving others—in our family, in our congregation, and beyond—is at the very center of God’s purpose for our lives. Today we talk about the vital need we all have to grow a heart oriented toward service, willing to answer God’s call with a “Hear am I, send me!”

Podcast 123: Why Giving Thanks Matters

Today, Friend of the Podcast Phil Sena, in town for Thanksgiving, joins us to discuss why taking the time to give thanks is important.

(Also, here’s a link to the Tomorrow’s World article that Mr. Robinson mentioned: “Hacking Thankfulness.”)

[Note: For some odd reason, the YouTube feature for the website was not working well when we first posted this, so in the event that happens again and you really prefer YouTube to the other options, you can (as always) stroll out to the YouTube Living Youth Programs channel where you will find it waiting, and you can also click this link right here to go straight to this episode. However, it seems to be working now, so hopefully it is embedded below and ready for you!]