Kurzgesagt on the Human Immune System

Are you familiar with Kurzgesagt videos? Apparrently, “kurzgesagt” is German for “briefly said” or the English idiom “in a nutshell.” And the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel aims at making complex and interesting topics simple to understand. Regrettably, they come from the sort of background you might expect for worldly science folks: Pro-evolution, etc. Still, the way they explain topics is often both entertaining and educational—and, when it happens to highlight the amazing design of life, they end up providing a Romans 1:20 witness to God’s power and how amazing His design of creation truly is.

As a sample, we thought their video below on the human immune system is simply fantastic at illustrating just how remarkable this God-designed system truly is. We’ve written about it before (in the TW: “The War Beneath Your Skin”), and seeing it discussed at length in these videos—yet so succinctly with such pleasant illustrations—really brings out details we would never have space to include in an article.

So, feel free to take a look at the first video (one in a series of three) and see if it impresses you, as well, at how amazing God’s design of your body truly is. And if they bring up evolution, ask yourself: How plausible is it really that such a system could evolve? The answer is pretty obvious when you think about it—not plausible at all.


Podcast: Costs, Benefits, and Sin

Mr. Mark Sandor continues as guest co-host and takes us on a cost-benefit analysis of sin. It’s a lot more interesting than it sounds! Honest! And, in the end, it provides quite a meditation on faith, to boot. Join us! YouTube and Spotify links, below.

What We’ll Never Regret

Much of this world sees commitment as extremely dangerous. And for the most part, it’s not wrong about that. Commitment is dangerous—just ask anyone who ever shelled out cash for tattoo removal. The Scriptures actually warn against throwing promises around—even ones with the purest intentions—because we humans are neither omnipotent nor omniscient, and might very well realize later that a commitment we made was unnecessary, foolish, or even sinful (Matthew 5:33-37; James 5:12). 

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Preteen Camps 2022: Missouri Preteen Camp Photos

From July 31 through August 5, the Lake of the Ozarks State Park hosted the Missouri Preteen camp. Campers enjoyed a variety of activities including archery, crafts, flag football, Gaga Ball (it’s everywhere!), music class, riflery and others. There were multiple games designed to help campers cool off in the heat, including a water relay race and human bowling! A STEM activity and talent show were also enjoyed by all. Enjoy the photos!

Podcast: What We Wish We’d Known

In this week’s Living Youth Podcast, with guest co-host Mr. Mark Sandor, we reflect on our own “unchurched” youth and consider what we know now that we wish we’d known then. We hope you find it profitable! The Spotify link will be added as soon as it is available.

P.S. When I posted this earlier today, I forgot that we had mentioned some articles we wanted to link to. Here are those links! Click away!

Preteen Camps 2022: Texas Preteen Camp Photos

Camp isn’t just for teens! The Texas Preteen Camp ran from July 25 to 29. Preteen campers enjoyed daily activities like archery, paddle boarding, Gaga Ball (of course!), Derby Car building, swimming, and Christian Living. A great time was had by all, and our thanks to all who made the Texas Preteen Camp happen this year! We hope you enjoy these pictures, and we plan to post more soon from additional Living Youth preteen camps that took place around the country this year, so stay tuned.

Podcast: Resist the Pressure to Blur Gender Lines!

On today’s podcast, we discuss the pressures on boys and girls (and on young men and young women) to ignore the differences in the two sexes God created and to adopt a confusing, self-destructive worldview. Huge forces in society are seeking to rob from you the joys of embracing the gender God designed you to be. Don’t let them do it! We hope this podcast helps.