Podcast 91: Q&A Potpourri!

This week we tackle a collection of short questions from listeners: Why are Sabbath services structured the way they are? How do we relate to people outside the Church? And how do we discern God’s will? We hope to do more Q&A Potpourri episodes in the future, so let us know what you think!

P.S. Adding this a week later. The sermon mentioned in the podcast just dropped on YouTube an hour ago! Feel free to click here to watch or listen to Mr. Jonathan McNair’s sermon “A Biblical Perspective on Knowing God and His Will.”

Podcast 90: IVF and Emotion-Based Morals

The Alabama Supreme Court decision in February 2024, declaring embryos created for purposes of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to be children has generated shockwaves in the political realm and is exposing just how much what is right or wrong is grounded in little more than emotion and what our hearts tell us. But how will we think about such things if we are biblically minded? Listen and find out.

[Also, the podcast with Mr. Sandor we refer to in this podcast can be found by clicking here or going to the podcast page and clicking on “Episode 6: Christians and the Constitution.” Wow—that was a long time ago! We also refer to a commentary from 2006 titled “Stem Cell Research—What BOTH Sides Miss”—also a long time ago!]

Podcast 89: Read the Proverbs!

It’s the beginning of a new month—a great time to begin reading a chapter of Proverbs every day! Today we discuss four proverbs that have had an impact on both of us, in the hopes we can inspire you to give it a shot.


Podcast 88: An Atheist’s Confession of Blind Faith

An atheist confesses that her conviction God does not exist is grounded in her blind faith decision when she was six years old. But what she has to say should prompt us to explore the relationship between faith and evidence—something she gets wrong, as do so many others. Let’s explore the topic together.

In the podcast today, we mention a profound Living Church News article from Mr. Gerald Weston titled “Understanding Hebrews 11:1.” You should read it! So many get this wrong—even in the Church—and the meaning of the verse is so much deeper than many consider. We hope you will click on the link (or this one!) and take some time to read it and think about the point he is making in it. We touch on his point in the podcast since it relates to the topic, but it is worth focusing on in its own right.

Podcast 87: Soulmate or Family-First?

A biblical view of marriage recently appeared in, of all places, the Wall Street Journal! What a nice surprise! This week, we examine the soulmate myth and explain the better alternative for thinking about marriage.

[The article we talk about so much can be found here—again, in the Wall Street Journal, not the New York Times!]

Podcast 85: Conspiracy Thinking (or Not Thinking)

This week, we look at how to think biblically about conspiracy theories. In these days of information overload, ideas are thrown at us from all angles—and whether they are true or false, the principles we apply when confronted by them are always the same.

Podcast 84: A Visit with Mr. Stuart Wachowicz!

On today’s podcast, we get to know Mr. Stuart Wachowicz, Regional Director of the Living Church of God in Canada, while he is visiting in Charlotte this week. We grill him a bit on the state of education today and explore steps young people can take to secure their own success amid declining educational standards.

On the podcast, Mr. Wachowicz refers to Mr. Gerald Weston’s excellent article, “Tame the Social Media Monster!” which you can find by clicking here. He also referred to a PragerU video about free speech and England that we couldn’t find, but if we come across it, we’ll add it later.