Join the Podcast Feedback Team!

As we look to improve the podcast and even use it to reach younger generations not in the Church, we are putting together a team of Church members and attendees who are willing to be a part of our feedback team. If you’d like to be a part of the team, please fill out the form we’ve created to let us know who you are.

Our plan is to reach out on occasion and ask you questions—maybe even send you links to specific podcasts or other new ideas—and get your feedback.

The form is short and very easy to complete… we think. We’ve never used one of these Microsoft forms before, so maybe this is your first experiment!

Click or tap HERE to go to the form, and thank you!

Podcast 126: Grow a Heart for Service!

Serving others—in our family, in our congregation, and beyond—is at the very center of God’s purpose for our lives. Today we talk about the vital need we all have to grow a heart oriented toward service, willing to answer God’s call with a “Hear am I, send me!”

Podcast 125: A Trio of Potentially Prophetic AI Frontiers

Artificial Intelligence is growing in its abilities and impact. What are a few areas where it might have prophetic impact? Today, we discuss three.

As for the many articles we mention in this episode, here are links for reading further:

Podcast 124: Is “Wicked” Wicked? Isaiah 5 Weighs In…

It’s popular. It’s trending. It promises a good message about the importance of character over social status, not judging based on appearances, and being concerned about the oppressed. But looking more broadly, the musical Wicked is part of a larger trend that illustrates how a warning found in Isaiah 5 applies very powerfully to our time today.

Podcast 123: Why Giving Thanks Matters

Today, Friend of the Podcast Phil Sena, in town for Thanksgiving, joins us to discuss why taking the time to give thanks is important.

(Also, here’s a link to the Tomorrow’s World article that Mr. Robinson mentioned: “Hacking Thankfulness.”)

[Note: For some odd reason, the YouTube feature for the website was not working well when we first posted this, so in the event that happens again and you really prefer YouTube to the other options, you can (as always) stroll out to the YouTube Living Youth Programs channel where you will find it waiting, and you can also click this link right here to go straight to this episode. However, it seems to be working now, so hopefully it is embedded below and ready for you!]

Podcast 122: An Update on Africa from Mr. Peter Nathan!

We took advantage of the recent Council of Elders meetings to get Mr. Peter Nathan to join us in the podcast studio for an update on the brethren and the Work in Africa. Join us and listen in!

[Note: We don’t know why the podcast is taking so long to show on Apple Podcasts, but we will come back later once we’ve seen it there and add it to those below. If you’ve subscribed to the feed on that app, you will likely see it there before we do! In the meantime, here are links to YouTube and Spotify. UPDATE: It’s there now!]

Podcast 121: Thinking Biblically About the U.S. Election

Passions are still pretty high in many places about the recent U.S. Presidential election and the aftermath. And when passions are high, thinking biblically is the best way to keep your head on straight. So, as promised last time, we talk about it this week. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Rather than review old ground, we refer to several old podcasts in this episode, such as “Meditations on an Almost-Assassination,” “Politics, Jury Duty, and the Military,” and “Conspiracy Thinking (and Not Thinking).” But don’t forget, not only are old episodes available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and the Living Youth YouTube channel, you can also find all 120 plus this one in one place here on the podcast page.