Entries by Wallace Smith

Podcast: What We Wish We’d Known

In this week’s Living Youth Podcast, with guest co-host Mr. Mark Sandor, we reflect on our own “unchurched” youth and consider what we know now that we wish we’d known then. We hope you find it profitable! The Spotify link will be added as soon as it is available. P.S. When I posted this earlier […]

Something for the Ladies…

We don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the Living Church News occasionally publishes a feature called “Woman to Woman.” Written by a woman in God’s Church, it is meant to help fulfill Paul’s admonition to older or more experienced ladies, recorded in Titus 2:4–5, that they pass down wisdom in godly femininity and womanhood to […]

Podcast: Why Does God Say He Hates Divorce?

(Again, if you are here for camp pics, just keep scrolling!) Mr. Robinson is back in town! We sat down and discussed a topic that has been on our minds since we discussed the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp defamation case: Why does God say He hates divorce? “Hate” is a strong word! But Malachi 2:16 is […]

“Quiet & peace in the camps of Israel”

We’ve got more photos and videos coming, but we are taking a break from uploading for the Sabbath—just as the campers themselves are enjoying God’s rest after a wonderfully busy initial week. Take care, please remember the campers and staff in your prayers, and thank you for your support!

5Q with Mr. Tyler Wayne of Church Administration

If you’re looking for more camp photos, just keep on scrolling! We’ve got a ton. But while camp is going on, the work continues at the office in Charlotte! And for our next installment of “Five Questions,” I’ve got Mr. Tyler Wayne in the hot seat. He and I have done this before (as the […]