Tag Archive for: Holy Days

Podcast 103: God’s Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind!

With Pentecost right around the corner, today we zoom in on 2 Timothy 1:7 to see what it says about God’s Spirit and the courage, power, love, and sound-mindedness it enables in our lives. Whether you are already baptized or baptism is yet in your future, understanding what it means to have God’s Spirit is vital, and we hope this episode helps to get you started in the right direction.

This week’s podcast is based on an article in the May-June 2024 issue of the Living Church News (which you probably have in your house right now!) we highly recommend: “The Holy Spirit: Changing Your Life.” It’s adapted from an older article by the late Mr. John H. Ogwyn, which is available—along with many other articles—selected for the public on the LCG.org website. Read the article this weekend (it’s short and worth your while!), and then head over there and check out other articles/studies we have available there, some of which are about Pentecost. Meanwhile, the links below will send you to the online version of the LCN article and to a sermon mentioned in the episode. And, as usual, links to the podcast platforms are below that.

Have an uplifting and edifying Feast of Pentecost!

Podcast 102: “Dad, Why Aren’t We Normal?”

A question asked by Mr. Robinson’s daughter years ago turned into a sermonette, then a Bible study, then a pre-teen camp Christian Living class, and now a Tomorrow’s World article that you will see in the July-August 2024 issue in a few weeks! Today we chat with him about that question: Dad, why aren’t we normal?

Podcast 96: The Difference Between Passover and the NTBMO

What is the difference between Passover and the Night to Be Much Observed? Good question! In this episode, we take a look and recommend a great article by the late John Ogwyn on the topic for your Spring Holy Day preparations.

The article by Mr. Ogwyn that we talk about can be found right here: “Understanding the ‘Night to Be Much Observed'”

Podcast 71: Looking Forward to the Millennium

As we all gear up to head out to our Feast of Tabernacles sites, we wanted to take some time to ponder some things we look forward to changing about the world in the Millennium under the reign of Jesus Christ. Listen in, then start your own conversation. And have a happy Feast!

Podcast 69: Behind the Scenes of FOT Planning with Mr. Rod McNair!

Before we all sing that first hymn on opening night of this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, it’s helpful to know that a lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to make that night—and the eight days that follow—possible for all of us. Join us today as we chat with Mr. Rod McNair, Assistant Director of Church Administration, and get the scoop on what it takes to make our Feast observances happen—and hopefully get inspired to pitch in yourself!

[Also, this episode refers to a recent LCN article by Mr. Gerald Weston titled “How Does God Place His Name?” Very fitting reading before the FOT. Check it out at the link.]

Podcast 68: Feast of Tabernacles Memories

A pleasantly laid-back podcast this week, as we pause to reflect on favorite memories of Feasts of Tabernacles past and encourage you to plan on making wonderful memories yourself this coming Feast.

Podcast 47: Sweet, Sweet Deleavening Meditations

The deleavening that you do leading up to the Days of Unleavened Bread can bring some sweet, sweet meditations. There are a lot of lessons packed into that crumb-sweeping! Today, we flash back to some lessons we’ve learned, and we hope they inspire you to do some meditating yourself this season. [BTW: The Apple Podcast is taking a while to load. We’ll come back and add it when it is up, too!]