Posts with Bible studies or with guidance on how to do Bible study, yourself.

Tag Archive for: Bible Study

Podcast 109: Keep It Real with “Big Picture” Passages

Some Bible passages stand out to us and help us keep a larger picture in mind. When you find those, hold on to them! Today on the podcast, we discuss a few of ours.

[By the way, if you are here for camp pictures, just keep scrolling, or scroll back to the top post and click on the link there. And welcome back, all you campers and staff!]

Seven Keys to Knowing Your Bible

I was working on organizing a new LCN article series about the four basic disciplines (Bible study, prayer, fasting, and meditation), and in doing so, I came across this sermon by Mr. Richard Ames on knowing your Bible. Toward the end, he discusses seven keys to knowing your Bible, and I thought that they sounded very helpful and worth passing on.

The embedded sermon video below is already cued up to begin at the very moment he begins discussing those seven basic keys. Jump in and have a listen!

God’s Complicated Book

Every once in a while, when I asked my mom a question about the Bible, she would think for a minute, and give me an answer that sort of made sense to me, but not really. I would respond with another question, and she would go “Hmmmm” for a second, before saying, “I’m not sure, honestly. We might have to ask a minister about that one.”

That used to startle me—and frustrate me a little, too. “What?! Mom doesn’t even know?! But she’s supposed to be the Bible genius! She went to Ambassador College! They were supposed to teach her everything! What madness is this?!”

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