“Teach Us to Pray”

Here is the sermon from Mr. Rod McNair we mentioned in the most recent podcast discussing prayer and meditation. If you want to learn some of the fundamental elements of prayer, based on Jesus’ own instructions, this sermon teaches you exactly that. We highly recommend giving it a listen.

In fact, the sermon is available in podcast form, as well, for those who would prefer that. And it struck us in putting this post together that we’ve heard lots of folks say they did not even know the Church had a sermon podcast. We do! At least on Apple Podcasts!

So below the YouTube version of the sermon, we’ve added access to the podcast recording of the sermon. If you don’t have time to watch, you can listen! We’ve added a link to the broader LCG Sermon Podcast, as well.

Podcast 37: Tips on Prayer and Meditation

Today’s podcast was recorded last week while Mr. Phil Sena was still visiting with us, and it focuses on a couple of questions from you. Seems like you want some tips on prayer and meditation! As for the sermon mentioned in the podcast, we’re going to add that to another post. In fact, it’s probably right above this post—so, scroll up! As for the podcast, YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcast versions can be found below.

Podcast 36: Tips for Bible Study

You want to study your Bible, but it seems intimidating sometimes. Is there a simple way to get started? Our guest today, Mr. Phil Sena, pastor of Living Church of God congregations in Ohio, offers helpful advice to get you past your excuses and into your Bible!