Video: Molecular Motors Are Obviously Designed

This is a very short video, but the author has aggregated several great clips of molecular motor design in living cells. All I ask is that you look at it with your “commonsense hat” on: Do these look designed or not? Listen to the descriptions in the video: clutches, switches, etc. In a normal world, our basic, instinctive response to this information would be to assume that these motors have been intelligently crafted. Evolutionists seek to train you to ignore that instinct, and their words can sound convincing—after all, our untutored, “commonsense” conclusions about some phenomena are truly incorrect. Yet even some atheists recognize that the evidence behind the theory of evolution has not yet earned the credibility to ask you to ignore your intuitive conclusion that this is designed. Take a look for yourself:

Podcast 93: What We Wish We’d Known #2

Today, we take a page from one of our Season 1 episodes and take turns talking about things we know now that we wish we’d known when we were teens and young adults. Listen and learn!

And afterward, if you want to listen to the first podcast, featuring Mr. Mark Sandor, click here.

Podcast 92: The Pros and Cons of Science Fiction

Science fiction is still popular, as recent box-office results illustrate. But indulging in fiction of any sort requires us to keep our biblical worldview in place and our biblically thinking brains engaged, with sci-fi, as a genre, presenting some special challenges in this regard. Today, we talk about that and hope you’ll join us!

Also, we mention a split sermon in this week’s podcast. Here it is: “Processing Data in Fakeworld.”