LYP Teen Camp 2023: 2G & 3G @ Softball, 3B in Life Roles, 3G in Aquatics, Evening Activities, and Mr. Weston teaches about the Seven Unshakable Unbreakables

The “regular days” of camp are winding down as the Sabbath approaches! We’ll try to get one more set of pictures up before sundown. All the campers are surely looking forward to a restful and rejuvenating Sabbath break before the last day’s special activities and the end-of-camp dance.

“Unpardonable Sin” Whiteboard video mentioned in Podcast 62

We thought this was so nicely done that it seemed worth posting on its own page. Podcast 62 was about the “Unpardonable Sin” and we linked to this video there on that page. But here it is, embedded, if you’d like to watch it. We think the whiteboard crew did a great job with this one—a video viewed on YouTube more than 1.3 million times. Have a look! (Then listen to the podcast! And read Mr. Ames’ article!)

Podcast 62: What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

The question doesn’t just perplex those new to the idea—sometimes those of us who have heard of it before find ourselves worrying about it. Just what is the “unpardonable sin”? Have I committed it? How would I know? On today’s episode of the Living Youth Podcast, we answer these questions.

We also refer to other resources we have on the topic. Here is a link to some of those. The podcast channels are available right underneath, as usual.