Podcast 55: Why the Living Church of God?

Today, we ask a question that’s important for each of us to answer: Why the Living Church of God? Contrary to the sentiment of many in this world, Jesus is not an “attend the church of your choice” sort of Messiah. He wants us to attend the church of His choice. There are real, biblical guidelines for discovering where Christ is working and where you should go, and we discuss them in this episode of the Living Youth Podcast. Just click below on the platform of your choice to get started. (The articles mentioned in the podcast will be listed in a post to immediately follow this one.)

Video: A Lesson from John Williams about Discernment (and the Devil)

A change of pace this week, since my podcast partner, Mr. Robinson, is out of town. It’s a bit nerdy (specifically of the “soundtrack nerd” variety of nerdy), but there has long been a subtle cue in the movie music of John Williams that I have appreciated. Not only has it helped me to admire him as a composer, it has provided for me an illustration of the need for spiritual discernment. If you will forgive my lack of technical prowess (I just play the music right out of my speaker instead of editing it into the video), I hope this discussion helps get that idea across. If it isn’t terrible (and be honest with me, I can take it…), I’ll try to follow up in the future with a Michael Giacchino-themed lesson that goes hand in hand with this one.

Podcast 54: Tell the Truth (or At Least Don’t Lie)

God says not to bear false witness. But what’s so bad about lying? What about “little white lies”? It’s worth thinking about. Truth and reality go hand in hand…

(By the way, you’ll notice the video is less fancy this time. We were trying out a free service, but it takes a long time to upload, and since we were late getting this one up, we did it the quick way. But let us know what you’d like to see with the videos on YouTube. Filming ourselves would definitely make the process too long, but what do you prefer as a background? Let us know at [email protected]!)