Biohacking and Thankfulness

Here in the U.S., Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow, and while not all of our teen and young adult readers are in the U.S., many of you are—and even for those who are not, when does thankfulness go out of style?

In the spirit of that, consider enjoying this short read from Mr. John Robinson titled “Hacking Thankfulness,” initially published in our January 2021 Tomorrow’s World. Mr. Robinson highlights how secular science and “biohacking” advocates have come to understand the power of gratitude and how we improve our health and our lives, in general, and the benefit of actively cultivating a spirit of thankfulness—an attitude the Bible has recommended for centuries.

We refer to this article in the podcast we plan to publish later this week, and we wanted to make sure we gave you a link so you could read it for yourself! Just click below—it’s only a 4-minute read, and worth the time!

And for those who do observe Thanksgiving Day, we pray yours is a happy one that brings to mind the many, many things in your life for which you can thank your Creator!

Podcast: Tragedy in South Korea

The news a couple of weeks ago about the terrible “crowd crush” tragedy in Seoul, South Korea, was heartrending. Several listeners asked us to comment on it, and it is the topic of this week’s podcast. We hope you find it helpful, and thank you to those who recommended the topic.

Podcast: A Visit with Peter Nathan!

Fresh from his star turn in this year’s “Behind the Work” video about the preaching of the Gospel in Africa and our growing band of brothers and sisters there, Mr. Peter Nathan joins us in the podcast studio—a.k.a. Mr. Robinson’s office. We hope you enjoy this interview, in which we get a bit of his personal background and how he became involved in the Work in Africa!