Posts related to the LCG Living Education program.

Tag Archive for: Living Ed

Did you know Living Ed is on Spotify?

While Living Education is out there at, ready for you anytime you are, a lot of members aren’t aware of a tiny slice of LE is out there on Spotify, as well. Mr. Ken Frank’s “Digging Deeper” recordings are available as a podcast on Spotify, where you can follow them and add them to your own library. We know Spotify is a popular music and audio resource for teens and families alike, and we thought you’d want to know. Head out there and check it out! The embedded link below will either show the most recent upload from LE or the one that was most recent when we first embedded it. Frankly, we’re still figuring out the “posting” thing. Regardless, there should be a “Follow” button at the very least, and if you want to see the Spotify homepage for the whole show, instead of just one episode, you can click here. We hope you’ll give it a listen, and thank you, Mr. Frank and the LE team, for putting these out here for us!

Wrestling with Worldviews

Someone in the Editorial Department was reflecting back on some of the Forums and Assemblies enjoyed by the Living Education students over the last year here in Charlotte and thought one given by Mr. Peter Nathan was a particularly helpful one to recommend.

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